Welcome to ZIONS®Automated Processing

Zions Automated Processing, a secure Internet-based system, meets all of your money market instruments processing needs. Whether you issue Commercial Paper, Medium Term Notes (MTN's), Banker's Acceptances (BA's) or Certificates of Deposit (CD's), Zions Automated Processing can provide you with your balance information, transaction details and analysis tools without having to maintain special software or a dedicated computer. Our system is very user friendly and gives you the ability to customize reports to meet your needs and preferences. The system also provides highly flexible export capability for your trade data.

Account Information

Please enter your Username and Password.



If you have forgotten your password, please call Shelene Brown at (801)844-7561.

To navigate within Zions Automated Processing, please use the navigation buttons located along the top of the pages. For the best overall performance we recommend using Microsoft Internet Explorer (11.0) or Google Chrome (Latest version).

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